The .NET Web Framework for Makers

Build production ready, monolithic, full-stack web applications fast with ASP.NET.

"I haven't had this much fun doing software development in a long time and Spark.NET made it possible. I am rediscovering .NET and it is already informing my freelance work as well."

- G.P. Stone, Software Engineer

Create your first project

Install the open source Spark CLI tool to get started and create your first project

dotnet tool install --global Spark.CLI
spark install
spark new MyApp

Everything you need to build fast

Every spark project comes configured with all the essential features you need for a full stack web application.

Blazor SSR or Razor Pages

An entire application configured and common pages scaffolded for you.

@page "/"
        <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">
            Build something beautiful

Authentication & Authorization

Protect your routes with an customizable authentication system already setup for you.

@page "/dashboard"
@attribute [Authorize]
        <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">
            User dashboard

Entity Framework

Spark comes with Entity Framework setup for you. Start reading and updating your data in minutes.

@page "/posts"
@code {
    [Inject] public DatabaseContext Db { get; set; }
    private List<Post> posts = new();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        posts = Db.Posts.ToList();

Scheduled Jobs & Queues

Background jobs and queues are essential to most applications. Spark comes with the Coravel job library installed and setup for you.



Quickly send emails using Spark's email provider.

var mail = new GenericMailable()
    .Subject($"Welcome To The App")
    .Html(@"<h1>Thanks for signing up!</h1>");


And much more

Logging, database migrations, services, models, events, hosting...

Get started