

Events are a great way to decouple aspects of your application. For example, you may wish to send an email after a new user has registered for you app.

You can raise an Application/Events/UserCreated event which a listener can receive and use to send the email.

Under the hood, Spark uses the Coravel library for events.

Registering Events & Listeners

All events and listeners must be registered in the Application/Startup/Events.cs class.

public static class Events
    public static IServiceProvider RegisterEvents(this IServiceProvider services)
        IEventRegistration registration = services.ConfigureEvents();

        // add events and listeners here

        return services;

Creating Events and Listeners

To create a new event and listener, simply run the Spark make event command.

spark make event UserCreated EmailNewUser

A new event will be create in the Application/Events directory and a new listener will be create in the Application/Events/Listeners directory.

Defining Events

Events are created in the Application/Events directory and must implement the Coravel.Events.Interfaces.IEvent interface.

public class UserCreated : IEvent
    public User User { get; set; }

    public UserCreated(User user)
        this.User = user;

Defining Listeners

Events are created in the Application/Events/Listeners directory and must implement the Coravel.Events.Interfaces.IListener<TEvent> interface.

The IListener<TEvent> interface requires you implement HandleAsync(TEvent broadcasted).

    public class EmailNewUser : IListener<UserCreated>
        private readonly IMailer _mailer;
        private readonly IConfiguration _config;

        public EmailNewUser(IMailer mailer, IConfiguration config)
            this._mailer = mailer;
            _config = config;

        public async Task HandleAsync(UserCreated broadcasted)
            var user = broadcasted.User;
            var mail = new GenericMailable()
                .Subject($"Welcome to Spark")
<h1>Thanks for signing up!</h1>
            await this._mailer.SendAsync(mail);


Inject the Coravel.Events.Interfaces.IDispatcher interface into your Razor components or service.

By using the Broadcast method, you may broadcast the event:

@page "/subscribe"
@inject IDispatcher _dispatcher

<EditForm Model="emailForm" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
    <InputText @bind-Value="emailForm.Email" />
    <button type="submit">Subscribe</button>

@code {
    private EmailForm emailForm = new EmailForm();

    private async Task HandleValidSubmit()
        // create event
        var userCreated = new UserCreated(new User(emailForm.Email));
        // dispatch event to listener
        await _dispatcher.Broadcast(userCreated);