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Spark includes a variety of C# extension methods to extend base functionality.
The DbSet.Save
method saves a model to the database through entity framework.
using var db = factory.CreateDbContext();
If the model doesn’t exist in the database yet, the Save()
method sets the CreatedAt
property to the current datetime and creates a new record.
If the model does exist in the database, the Save()
method sets the UpdatedAt
property to the current datetime and updates the existing record.
The DbSet.Delete
method deletes a model from the database.
using var db = factory.CreateDbContext();
The NavigationManager.Route
method provides the route of the current page.
@page "/developers"
@inject NavigationManager NavManager
@code {
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
var route = NavManager.Route();
// route = "developers"
The NavigationManager.XRedirect
method allows you to do a page redirect with HTMX.
@page "/developers"
@inject NavigationManager NavManager
@code {
protected void OnSubmit()
NavManager.XRedirect(HttpContext, "profile/edit");
The String.Clamp
method reduces the length of a string to the passed maxChars
value. 3 elipses are also added to the end of the string.
var str = "this is some string";
var clampedStr = str.Clamp(4);
// clampedStr = "this..."
The String.ToSlug
method converts a string to a url friendly slug.
var str = "This is some string";
var slugStr = str.ToSlug();
// slugStr = "this-is-some-string"