

Sending email should be easy. Spark provides a clean, simple email interface powered by the popular Mailkit library.


Spark comes with multiples drivers that change how e-mails are sent.

File Log Driver

This driver will log emails to the Storage/Mail/mail.log file. It’s perfect to use for development and testing.

To use this driver, configure your .env file to use the file driver:


SMTP Driver

This driver will use SMTP to send emails.

To use this driver, configure your .env file to use the smtp driver:


Global From Email

A global from email can be set in your .env file. If set, it will send all emails from that email address.

MAIL_FROM_NAME="George Constanza"


Spark uses Mailables to send emails. They are a C# class that represents a specific email you can send. Such as “Confirm subscription” or “New user signup”.

Mailables inherit from Spark.Library.Mail.Mailable and accept a generic type you want associated with sending your mail.

Creating Mailables

To create a mailable, simply run the Spark make mail command.

spark make mail ConfirmSubscriptionMailable

A new mailable will be created in the Application/Mail directory.

using Spark.Example.Application.Models;
using Spark.Library.Mail;

namespace Spark.Example.Application.Mail
	public class ConfirmSubscriptionMailable : Mailable<User>
        private User _user;
        public ConfirmSubscriptionMailable(User user) => this._user = user;

        public override void Build()
			var recipient = new MailRecipient(this._user.Email);
				.Subject("Confirm your Spark Subscription")
					<p>Confirm your subscription by clicking the link</p>
					<a href=""""></a>

Logic for your mailable should always go in the Build() method.

Mailable Methods

The following methods are available in a fluent interface:

.From(string email)

.From(new MailRecipient(string email, string name))

.To(string email)

.To(new MailRecipient(string email, string name))

.To(IEnumerable<string> emails)

.To(IEnumerable<MailRecipient> recipients)

.Cc(IEnumerable<string> emails)

.Cc(IEnumerable<MailRecipient> recipients)

.Bcc(IEnumerable<string> emails)

.Bcc(IEnumerable<MailRecipient> recipients)

.ReplyTo(MailRecipient replyTo)

.ReplyTo(string address)

.Subject(string subject)

.Attach(Attachment attachment)

.Html(string html)

Sending Mail

Inject the IMailer interface into your Razor components or service and pass a Mailable to the SendAsync method:


@page "/subscribe"
@inject IMailer _mailer
@code {
    private EmailForm emailForm = new EmailForm();

    private async Task HandleValidSubmit()
        await this._mailer.SendAsync(
            new ConfirmSubscriptionMailable(emailForm.Email)

<EditForm Model="emailForm" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
    <InputText @bind-Value="emailForm.Email" />
    <button type="submit">Subscribe</button>


private readonly IMailer _mailer;

public MyService(IMailer mailer)
    this._mailer = mailer;

public SendConfirmation(User user) {
    await this._mailer.SendAsync(
        new ConfirmSubscriptionMailable(user)

Generic Mailable

Spark comes with a generic mailable for scenarios where you don’t want to create your own custom Mailable.

var mail = new GenericMailable()

await this._mailer.SendAsync(mail);